Creative Informatics
Edinburgh’s creative industries have a vibrant creative and technology culture and are characterised by pro-active networks across the data/tech industry, a lively design and advertising sector, the largest concentration of major festivals in the world, and the highest cultural employment in the UK
The Creative Informatics Cluster aims to grow these creative industries by building the number of existing businesses and creative entrepreneurs who can confidently innovate with data. This will lead to creatives rather than just the IT/Software community being in the driving seat of data-driven innovation.
The Programme
The programme has several objectives to grow the creative industries in Edinburgh. The first one is to make the city a world class centre for creative talent who are able to lead data-driven innovation in the creative industries.
To achieve this there will be three initiatives to develop local talent; Creative Bridge, a ten week programme enabling creative entrepreneurs to develop and scale significant new enterprises, building their confidence to help their colleagues and clients better understand the value of creativity; the Resident Entrepreneur programme will support creative entrepreneurs financially and provide a conducive environment within the HEIs or partner organisations to develop their businesses; the Connected Innovators programme will provide emerging leaders in the cluster with much needed time, space and financial support to conduct R&D to develop their business.
A second objective is to develop new data-driven products and services to enhance audience engagement and create new modalities of experience. R&D projects will enable participants to experiment and explore technologies to inspire new uses and new product development. Many of the projects will lead to Minimum Viable Products which will be presented to investor communities.
A further goal is to support the new, innovative business models that emerge from R&D and the people-based objectives. Partnerships formed will be able to draw on a range of academic expertise to support the development of new business models, including creative entrepreneurship, IP and technology law, digital cultural heritage, ethics, design, informatics, and new transaction technologies.
Finally, the Challenge and Horizon projects will develop engagement with and access to new local and global audiences and markets through data-driven innovation.
The Partnership
The programme will be led by University of Edinburgh and delivered in partnership with Edinburgh Napier University, Codebase, and Creative Edinburgh.