CICP Resource Centre

Handy resources for cluster and partnership teams. Questions, comments or things to add? Drop us a line at

Contact List

Quick reference spreadsheet with key cluster and partnership contacts, their roles, contact details. Also includes website and social media accounts for each organisation.


Brand Guidelines

Latest version of the CICP brand guidelines covering brand as primary logo, secondary logo and with restricted space. Also covers attribution to Clusters Programme and Industrial Strategy.

Logos & Fonts

Official CICP logo in various orientations, full colour and B/W versions. Licensed fonts, PPT master and lockups for CICP attribution.

Comms Planner

Spreadsheet used by the CICP comms teams and AHRC to schedule key messaging, events and PR to support programme activity.


Comms Guidelines

A summary of the main Communications Guidelines & Requirements, including social media profiles and attribution.

CICP Tweets

Tweets from the CICP Twitter List, a list of the Twitter accounts from the majority of the clusters and partnerships.

UKRI Brand

Official UKRI brand guidelines and logo packs for all research councils including AHRC and Innovate UK.


Press Release Boilerplate

Example CICP press release with boilerplate copy.


Reference Docs

This section will house documents that provide useful guidance, reference and information to support the Cluster teams and their project development, such as the IP Interim Report.


Covid-19 Resources

Providing live information on Covid-19 related support available for the UK creative industries. With links to funding, grants, guidance and more. Contributions to this document welcome.