

Cardiff is a national creative hub, with an increasing volume of film and television produced in Wales. To continue to be competitive and grow nationally and internationally, the industry in Wales must become a home for innovation.

Clwstwr’s focus is to deepen the culture of collaboration and innovation so that media production can be sustained and grow not just in the Cardiff city area but across Wales. If the Cardiff-centred screen sector is to move beyond ‘show and go’ production, it needs to become a home for innovation not only in creative production, but in business-critical applied digital technologies, systems
and business models.

The Cluster will involve the Cardiff City Region’s screen industries and related supply chains, as well as the wider regional creative economy. This will create a platform for independent companies, SMEs, micro-businesses and freelancers to compete with global, highly integrated
media companies.


The Programme

With their partners the cluster will design an
R&D programme, with two leading points of focus: a Screen Innovation System and News Innovation Lab. Both will house academics and experts in creative and technical areas including data analysis, market research, IP and business development to support user and product testing.


To foster a culture of innovation in both screen and news, Clwstwr will deliver three distinct R&D strands: sectoral, business and collaborative, designed to develop new products, services and experiences. Strands will include direct investment in specific projects of £3m over a
four year period.

The Partnership

Clwstwr is led by Cardiff University in partnership with University of South Wales and Cardiff Metropolitan University. It brings together all major Welsh broadcasters with independent film and television production companies, Wales’s national companies and creative organisations, creative co-working spaces, tech startups, strategic agencies, local authorities and Welsh Government.